My Golf Coaching Approach
My approach to golf coaching is to put you and your golf game first! I appreciate that each golfer is an individual. Every golfer has unique gifts, needs and desires for their golf game. You come to me with your specific physicality, perceptive on golf and your game, as well as your present experience and skill sets. I will take a comprehensive look at you and your game, and develop a plan and strategy to meet your goals for your golf game. While there isn’t a perfect swing and golf game that fits everyone, there is a swing and golf game that fits you perfectly!
Here is How the Collaboration Works:

Assess & Plan
Assessment includes: knowledge base, skill set, movement patterns, how you learn best, personality style, physical ability, equipment, mental golfing strengths, etc.
Plan includes: Establish golfing goals that are realistic and achievable and creating a program for you relative to your commitment, desire, physical and mechanical potential.

Learn & Train
Learning concepts includes: concept shifts, understanding new ideas and the benefits, value of one’s productive state of mind, balance, tempo, tension, energy flow, understanding impact variables for different shots and the resulting ball flights, the body/ swing connection, the mechanics of a repeating motion with predictable results.
Training skills and habits: motor pattern development, practice techniques and strategies for mechanics, mental and emotional aspects of the game, transition to play, and loging and quantifying your progress and milestones.

The Art of Playing
The skills and habits for on course play include: the VISION54 8 essential playing skills, knowing your productive and non-productive self in play and your tools to stay on track, dealing with people and things out side your control, the art of focus and concentration, game strategy, and course and self management.